Printed 16 June 1890.
It is stated that the work of arching the unlined portions, about 700 yards in length, is being carried on most expeditiously, and will be completed about the beginning of next month.
It is, therefore, probable that the formal opening will take place before August. The Treherbert railway station of the Taff Vale Railway Company is being enlarged, in order to admit the passenger trains of the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway.
It is said that the trains of the latter will run into the station on the line now utilised by the Taff Vale Company, and those of the former into the new siding along the new platform, which will adjoin the old.
The extension, however, is made to simply to meet the temporary requirements of the new railway, for a commodious station will shortly be erected in the immediate vicinity by the Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway Company.